Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Zero degrees is not applicable where curves are involved!

I know this much to be true fall is here! We only had two weeks of summer maybe three weeks but they weren’t all connected. Fall and spring are my favorite seasons fashion wise. I love fashion boots and light scarfs, little jackets and tights. I’m getting excited. Even though I’ve packed on some pounds and may need new skirts and pants but I’m working on it.

I’ve put myself on a diet. I’m trying to eat healthy according to the Michael Pollan book Food rules: An eater’s manual and I am working the weight watcher point plan. To bad I didn’t start sooner. I lack discipline and the situation is serious. I can’t fit in to may favorite fall gear and I think I’m just a few cupcakes shy of a chubby chasers dream girl.

The issue is I just know where to find amazing food in this city. You want cupcakes the Dahlia Bakery on 4th Ave in Downtown Seattle. Food so amazing you can’t share it because you might actually be tempted to stab a loved one with a fork Paseo in Freemont. Best Mexican Ballard’s La Carta de Oaxaca. If you’re reading my blog and you to are on a diet too I’m sorry I think I’m starting to lead you and myself down a bad path.

Ok back to my real point I know I’ll never be a size zero. Hell who am I kidding I’m 5’4 and I’ll never be a size five. I just want to go back to being a happy size eight. It worked for me!! So I know this much to be true zero is not a size because real women have curves and zero degrees is not applicable where curves are involved.

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