Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Little Drummer Girl

So they say the military look is in this season. I like it, but can I make a suggestion. Don’t over do it, only allow your self three classic items per super trend. Consider for this look a belt, a boot, and a jacket. Don’t buy a heavy coat in such and obvious trend. Heavy coats should be in classic timeless trends.

Spend wisely. It is never wise to buy cheap shoes unless they are flip flops or Keds. Beach wear and white shoes have a shorter life expectancy. Your trendy jacket should be less then $200 and will more likely cost you less then $100 if you know where to look. I limit this because although you’ll be fabulous this fall and winter you’ll want something new come spring. The shoe and the Jacket are the key pieces. Keep the boot below the knee and make the jacket light weight and versatile. The jacket makes a statement and you’ll want to keep it on in work or play. Visualize them both with pants, skirts and dresses. Make sure the hardware on both goes well together. Notice the little details. They keep you pulled together and fabulous. It is also necessary to keep the color of the boot and the jacket as close as possible. A small detail but a key point they should match! The belt should not. It should the same theme but a stand out color.

As for the jewelry buy options. I love the though of brass jewelry but why not some small or large trinket in Chinese red. Ponder this something yellow done right just might up your game. Always leave them wanting more ladies. My fashion philosophy: Keep it Classy. Simple and Unexpected!!!

Med Carts In The Work Place!!!

I think every company should employee a nurse who comes a round twice a day handing out meds to the employees. This way Bob in account could get the doggie downer he so desperately needs to get off everyones last nerve and maybe Chris in customer service could get and afternoon pick me up before he snaps and curses’ out a customer. And let’s face it every office has that person who could use a Midol IV drip for the general safety of everyone in the building.

Today I would personal skip the meds and beg for a magic wand. I could say "Puff be gone with you!" waive my wand and have the office to my self. I’m just saying, sometime I think there are to many people on my planet or just maybe a nurse could swing by and refill my Midol IV!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The simple gourmet

Growing up cooking was a major part of my childhood. I can’t remember learning to cook any more then I could remember taking my first steps. It’s possible that I was cooking first. However I have several friends that seem amazed by my culinary abilities. Last night one of my girls called me a fancy eater. She stated that I never cook simple. I think I cook simple I try to eat mostly veggies myself. After watching Oprah and reading the Michael Pollan books I eat meat like a small side. I just get board with the same thing over and over. I love Steak and I avoid chicken it makes me sleepy. I eat a lot duck. I use duck to season things. So I thought I share one of my simple dishes and let you the reader decide.


Ingrediance :
1 T-bone
2 Tlbs Soy Sauce (I like La Choy)
1/2 teaspoon butter
Fresh sliced Mushrooms
1 Med Onion
Your favorite steak seasoning
Pre heat oven on broil. Using a heavy skillet melt butter and soy sauce add steak, season with your favorite seasonings (I use cayenne, garlic powder, and some sort of for steak mix). Season both side of the meat add the sliced mushrooms (how ever many you’ll eat) and slice the onion bit sized and add to your liking,
Cook till the meat is cooked to your liking .

It turns out really good!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Me vs The Meds

For the past two months I have been ignoring this pain in my hip. Lately it’s been getting worse now when I sit for any period of time my leg tingles and starts going numb. Well that gave me cause for concern so I dragged my reluctant self to the doctors.
You see I hate going to the doctors the actual word doctor make me have to pee. It’s and involuntary response, like that bell for Pavlov’s dogs, someone say doctor and I am ready to pee in a little plastic cup. TMI I know but it’s true. That’s not why I hate going to the doctors in reality I hate needles and I am assured that doctors are masochist and I’m their favorite subject. This I’m sure stems form growing up poor and being taken to a clinic that 1st did a finger prick on every child during admission (I don’t know why), and second treated 98% of my childhood illness with an antibiotic shot to my rear. This trauma is the reason I lied to doctors for 13 years about my last tetanus shot. Usually when they say I’m due on my next visit I have change doctors. Really I do! However I got one two years ago it wasn’t so bad and I even got a hepatitis C vaccine too. Guess I’m good for the next 13 years.
So back to my current issue the doctor says my Sciatica is acting up and he gives me a pain killer and a muscle relaxer. Did I ever mention that I was raised sort of organic as a child? Meds and I don’t mix. I took half a muscle relaxer on Friday night I missed Saturday. Heard it was nice out. Saturday evening after I finally woke up I took one pain killer. I woke up on Sunday morning at 7 a.m. but I was spacey the remainder of the day. I took nothing Sunday night and I basically felt like I drove to work drunk this morning. I feel so disconnected it’s amazing. It is afternoon now and I just want to pass out.

I guess there’s not worries that I’ll become a drug user.  I’ll just stick to Advil. cause I’m straight up loopy today!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome to the big top!

    Well here's a little something from my Fashion shoe box. Living in Seattle is like walking around the circus you just never know what you’re going to see but I can guarantee you will see something over the top. Today a straight man started pointing out to me that we had obviously wandered in to the Freak Show or as he put "Do the ladies in Seattle all get dressed using fun house mirrors?" I looked up to see ladies tripping over shoes they could not walk in,  one pair of shoes on a girl that could only be described as animal hoofs for human feet, a few ensembles that where just to sexy to ware in a professional office, some to boring to address, and one tent. After I choked back my need spew tea on him, I tried to defend but there was just no defence for some of there atrocities. So I decided to come up with a few basic pointers to help some ladies move out of the big top.
    1. Go buy a full length mirror for your home. It is unacceptable not to own one. It’s like not having a toilet in your home.
    2. If you’re over the age of 26 and/or you actually have hips and behind please stop squeezing in to skinny jeans. Especially light colored ones!! It’s not cute and they have not been designed to fit your body style or the respectable personal image you should want to display in life.
    3. Unless you’re jogging or power walking or on your way to the gym spandex or yoga pants are not permitted. (Comfort is not a style. If it were it would be a lazy one and you are not lazy!)
    4. You should always be in control of your body therefore pick only shoes that fit your foot and you can walk in. You should wear the heels the heels ladies. They should not be wearing you! (Unless you have a medical issue, you should own a reasonable for you high heeled shoe. Ballet flats are ok sometimes but note they do nothing for your rear.)
    5. It’s ok to own more then one coat but if you don’t please buy a few sets of accessories for it. Different colors and different styles.
    6. I’m afraid to put this one writing in this area but if you can be reasonable not ridiculous think outside the box. Be interesting not crazy but only with one accessory.
    7. It is perfectly acceptable to wear a Red Light sweater and a Nordstrom’s scarf. Just plan better and do it well. I love thrift store shopping just stop being so cheap about it. It’s not a deal if it looks like it needs to be given back to Goodwill. Look for cashmere sweaters and look for natural fibers not the flammable plastic ones. Stay away for things with flare. That will come later when you accessorize.
    8. Vintage is good with a modern twist. Read fashion magazines cut out looks you like make yourself a little purse sized look book for shopping.
    9. Grab a well dressed friend, with a style you admire and take your look book and go window shopping. Plan a day try and stuff on. Don’t be discouraged by the number of the size on the tag or the number of stores you have to go into to find the right items. Go to nice stores don’t buy, unless it’s fabulous and you can afford it. Try to recreate your looks ask your well dressed friend. 1) Does this look work for me, my body, and my personality? 2) If you could change this outfit to make it work better for me what would you do?
    10. Don’t be afraid of color try something new and slightly unexpected of your personal style.
    11. I have more style tips but my time has run out for the day. I’ll write more another day. I know this much to be true there are amazing women in Seattle doing astounding things in equally astounding outfits just image the greatness you could achieve if people took you seriously.

    Tuesday, September 21, 2010

    Zero degrees is not applicable where curves are involved!

    I know this much to be true fall is here! We only had two weeks of summer maybe three weeks but they weren’t all connected. Fall and spring are my favorite seasons fashion wise. I love fashion boots and light scarfs, little jackets and tights. I’m getting excited. Even though I’ve packed on some pounds and may need new skirts and pants but I’m working on it.

    I’ve put myself on a diet. I’m trying to eat healthy according to the Michael Pollan book Food rules: An eater’s manual and I am working the weight watcher point plan. To bad I didn’t start sooner. I lack discipline and the situation is serious. I can’t fit in to may favorite fall gear and I think I’m just a few cupcakes shy of a chubby chasers dream girl.

    The issue is I just know where to find amazing food in this city. You want cupcakes the Dahlia Bakery on 4th Ave in Downtown Seattle. Food so amazing you can’t share it because you might actually be tempted to stab a loved one with a fork Paseo in Freemont. Best Mexican Ballard’s La Carta de Oaxaca. If you’re reading my blog and you to are on a diet too I’m sorry I think I’m starting to lead you and myself down a bad path.

    Ok back to my real point I know I’ll never be a size zero. Hell who am I kidding I’m 5’4 and I’ll never be a size five. I just want to go back to being a happy size eight. It worked for me!! So I know this much to be true zero is not a size because real women have curves and zero degrees is not applicable where curves are involved.

    Monday, September 20, 2010

    What I know about life could fit in a shoe box!!

    First Jackie isn't my real name. I'm an honest writer but I'm not into being stocked. Second I'm 33 years old and sometimes I forget that. So if I post something crazy just ignore it. I'm not blonde but I have many moments...blonde moments...vary blonde moments! I've traveled all over the US but unless you count Canada which I really don't.. I've never left the US. I consider Canada the US's crazy cousin. You love them but you wish they weren't always drunk at the family reunion. I love Canadians all the ones I know and love are hilarious! Also note I use way to many explanation points when I type. For your sake I'll try to contain myself... Oh and just one more warning I am a horrible speller and a bad typist so don't hate for being dyslexic. This site has a spell check but I don't like it.

    Anywhoo this brings me to the point of this blog. Some will be about fashion, some will be about life, some days I'll just be pondering my guilt over my internal debate on am I a bad puppy mommy or just a busy lady with a crazy puppy. Puppy has only mastered one life lesson in his fist 15 week on this planet "We don't eat shoes!!" I sort of threatened to drop him in the good will drop box. Well I hope you get the point you'll need to check in daily everything is open for discussion. You'll just never know but maybe if I write it all down I can fill up my shoe box and some of yours too!!!