Monday, September 27, 2010

Me vs The Meds

For the past two months I have been ignoring this pain in my hip. Lately it’s been getting worse now when I sit for any period of time my leg tingles and starts going numb. Well that gave me cause for concern so I dragged my reluctant self to the doctors.
You see I hate going to the doctors the actual word doctor make me have to pee. It’s and involuntary response, like that bell for Pavlov’s dogs, someone say doctor and I am ready to pee in a little plastic cup. TMI I know but it’s true. That’s not why I hate going to the doctors in reality I hate needles and I am assured that doctors are masochist and I’m their favorite subject. This I’m sure stems form growing up poor and being taken to a clinic that 1st did a finger prick on every child during admission (I don’t know why), and second treated 98% of my childhood illness with an antibiotic shot to my rear. This trauma is the reason I lied to doctors for 13 years about my last tetanus shot. Usually when they say I’m due on my next visit I have change doctors. Really I do! However I got one two years ago it wasn’t so bad and I even got a hepatitis C vaccine too. Guess I’m good for the next 13 years.
So back to my current issue the doctor says my Sciatica is acting up and he gives me a pain killer and a muscle relaxer. Did I ever mention that I was raised sort of organic as a child? Meds and I don’t mix. I took half a muscle relaxer on Friday night I missed Saturday. Heard it was nice out. Saturday evening after I finally woke up I took one pain killer. I woke up on Sunday morning at 7 a.m. but I was spacey the remainder of the day. I took nothing Sunday night and I basically felt like I drove to work drunk this morning. I feel so disconnected it’s amazing. It is afternoon now and I just want to pass out.

I guess there’s not worries that I’ll become a drug user.  I’ll just stick to Advil. cause I’m straight up loopy today!!

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